PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence Review

In this review, we delve into the world of wireless pet fences, specifically focusing on the PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence. The goal is to unravel this technology piece by piece, looking at its features, performance, usability, and the unique value it brings to the pet care landscape. This article isn’t merely a product review; it’s a resource aimed at helping you make an informed decision about whether this system fits your needs. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of PetSafe’s solution, empowering you to make the best choice for your beloved pet.

PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence

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Understanding the Need for a Wireless Pet Fence

Imagine a world where your pet roams freely and safely, without constant supervision. This idea isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. This is where wireless pet fences step in, giving your pet the freedom to explore within safe parameters.

Traditional fences are cumbersome, expensive, and often don’t blend well with your landscape. Wireless pet fences offer a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective solution to these issues. The focus here is not only to confine your pet but also to keep them safe and allow them space to play and explore.

PetSafe is a trailblazer in the pet care industry. Founded in 1991, the company has been committed to creating products that protect your pets and enhance their quality of life. Their extensive product line includes training, containment, and lifestyle solutions that prioritize both convenience and pet safety.

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Unboxing the PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence is akin to stepping into a realm of advanced technology combined with user-friendly design. The package is concise and contains everything necessary for setting up a secure boundary for your pet: the transmitter, receiver collar, charging adapter, test light tool, 50 boundary flags, short and long contact points, and a detailed manual.

PetSafe Stay & Play Wireless Pet Fence System

Design and Build Quality

Design is a pivotal aspect of any product, and PetSafe has done a commendable job with the Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence. The system is compact, lightweight, and designed to blend seamlessly into any space. The collar is both durable and comfortable, built to withstand the activities of even the most lively pet while ensuring they don’t feel restricted or uncomfortable.


The PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence boasts numerous features designed to make pet containment effortless. The adjustable range allows you to create a secure area from 22 to 105 feet in all directions from the transmitter. The system is tailored to cater to pets above 5 pounds, with an adjustable collar size of 6-28 inches.

The product offers five levels of static correction and a tone-only mode for training. The collar has a rechargeable battery with a quick charge time of 2-3 hours, and each charge can last up to 3 weeks, depending on use.

The standout feature, however, is its portability. This system can be set up in 1-2 hours, making it perfect for camping trips and vacations.

Setting Up the PetSafe Stay and Play

Setting up the PetSafe Stay and Play Fence is a breeze. The detailed manual provides step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. Start by deciding the center point for your pet’s play area and place the transmitter accordingly. Adjust the boundary radius to suit your needs, keeping in mind that the system allows for a radius of 22 to 105 feet.

Calibrating the boundary zone is the next step. You’ll need the receiver collar for this, but don’t put it on your pet just yet. Use the collar and the boundary flags provided to mark the edge of your wireless boundary. You’ll hear a beep from the receiver collar when you reach the boundary zone.

This process isn’t just for setup, it’s also a crucial part of training your pet to recognize their play area. By marking these boundaries, you’re creating visible cues to help your pet understand their limits.

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Training Your Pet for the Pet Fence

Training is a crucial aspect of introducing your pet to their new wireless fence. It isn’t a quick process, but with patience and consistency, your pet will learn to recognize the boundaries.

PetSafe recommends a specific training procedure for their wireless fence system. The process involves several sessions over a few weeks, gradually introducing your pet to the fence and teaching them to respond to the warning beep before any static correction is applied.

The training procedure is designed to be safe, humane, and efficient. It’s all about making your pet comfortable with the system rather than fearful of it.

PetSafe Stay & Play Wireless Pet Fence Necklace

Real User Experience

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence. Users frequently commend the system’s easy setup and effective pet containment. They appreciate the adjustable correction levels and the flexibility of the play area.

Conversely, some users point out issues with battery life and signal consistency, particularly in areas with physical obstructions. However, it’s worth noting that these issues are not unique to PetSafe but are common across wireless fence systems.

Pros and Cons

Like any product, the PetSafe Stay and Play Pet Fence has its strengths and weaknesses.

The strengths:

  • Quick and easy setup
  • Adjustable and sizable coverage area
  • Portable for trips and vacations
  • Adjustable static correction levels
  • Suited for pets of various sizes

The weaknesses:

  • The signal can be affected by obstructions
  • Limited to a circular boundary shape
  • Inconsistent battery life

Who Should Buy this Pet Fence?

The PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence is a fit for anyone seeking a balance of convenience, efficiency, and safety in a pet containment solution. Whether you’re a pet owner with a sizeable yard, or you’re someone who loves to take your pet on trips, this system is designed to adapt to your needs.

PetSafe Stay & Play Wireless Pet Fence Flag

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To wrap it up, the PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence proves to be a reliable, user-friendly, and effective solution for pet containment. While it has a few areas for improvement, its benefits significantly overshadow its weaknesses. It provides a blend of features that make it stand out among its competitors. If you’re looking for a system that prioritizes your pet’s safety without compromising their freedom, the PetSafe Stay and Play is worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence safe for my pet?

Certainly! PetSafe has designed this product to be both effective and humane. The static correction levels can be adjusted to suit your pet’s size and temperament, and training procedures ensure your pet learns to avoid crossing the boundaries.

What is the maximum area it can cover?

The PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence covers a circular area up to 210 feet in diameter, giving your pet up to 3/4 acre to play.

How long does the battery last?

The battery life of the receiver collar varies, but on a single charge, it can last up to 3 weeks.

Can it work for small pets?

Yes, the system is designed for pets weighing 5 pounds or more with neck sizes 6 – 28 inches.

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